Autumn Inspired Charcuterie Boards

Trending this October are fun and easy Autumn inspired charcuterie boards. Perfect for any size gatherings at home or at a venue. There are no boundaries to creating these appetizer boards that turn out looking like edible art. We’ve got the “how to’s” to get you started!

The Perfect Board

Using various shapes and sizes of charcuterie/cutting boards make it fun. They are easy to find online or at your local superstore in the home section. Starting price typically is $20 and can go up from there depending on how fancy you want to get.

Autumn Inspired

Use small pumpkins in various colors (sold at your local grocery in produce section) to set the mood and theme for your charcuterie boards. It’s also easy to tie in Halloween aspects in simple and elegant ways to your charcuterie boards.

Small Bites

Small portions can make a big impression! Charcuterie boards can be specific to dietary needs as well. Veggie, meat or dessert boards make up the perfect combination for any gathering this Autumn! 
