I Almost Cook is community that focuses on creating fun meals and tasty treats that don't have to take hours to prep, or require you to be a master chef.

I Almost Cook

As a mom of three, beautiful and very busy girls, I juggle many plates while still trying to find the time to make meals and snacks for the family. Secretly, I long for the slower days I experienced as a child with my grandmother in her kitchen.

The reality, though, is a fast paced life where texting or Googling a recipe while waiting at a soccer game is more likely than canning something. With that, I am excited to share with you a new cooking show dedicated to helping parents make delicious, affordable and fast meals for their family using my grandmother's method of "A pinch here and a dash there."

I Almost Cook combines this old fashion method while being mindful that today's parent doesn't have the time to spend all day in a kitchen. I will show you how to use a handful of ingredients from your kitchen pantry to make a family meal fun, memorable, and GOOD!