NEW EPISODE:Wear That Two Piece, Hot Mama!


@nattiemeador ○

Hi, friends. Episode 9 is out and I am super excited for this one. Some vulnerability, some laughs, some imperfections shared… all with the hope that we aren’t doing this dang thing by ourselves and that our bodies and our minds and our souls do pretty incredible things on the daily. Hug yourself today, I love you.
— Nattie Meador, a little happy co-host


@marysusanbuhner ○

We are all beautifully and wonderfully made! Two piece or one piece swimsuit… who really cares?! Just be you and proud of it! I myself, am a one piece girl and darn tootin’ proud of it! This episode we get vulnerable about swimsuit season and ALLLL that entails as a woman!
— Mary Susan Buhner, a little happy co-host

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