New Year - Better Me

New Year - Better Me: How to be a visionary this year.

Here are my tips to achieving everything you always wanted. Learn to be your own inspiration!

5 Tips to be your best self this year.


See it & achieve it.

Humor me - close your eyes and picture yourself living the life you always wanted.

Who is there with you? Where are you - physically? What is happening around you? What timeframe does this occur in? What attributes do you possess - mentally, physically, and emotionally? What things are you taking part in (for example: are you sitting at your desk writing the novel you always dreamed of putting to paper - overlooking your bay large window with the ocean rushing down below)? And so on…

Once you open your eyes, ask yourself - why can’t this be real? Well, the truth is, it can be…and it will be!!

Whether you journal, keep notes in your phone, or start each day by visualizing this dream life - start to turn your dreams into a reality. Begin each day by thinking through at least 1 thing you can do to grow closer to the vision in your head - then…go. do. it.

There are always going to be more excuses, more reasons to push it to the wayside, and things that distract you from reaching your goals.

Stop allowing your life to be run by interruptions. Learn to be your own reason to keep going, not the reason to stop.


I am a hugeeeeee list maker. My kids lovingly joke with me that I need a list to keep all my lists straight, but they work for me!

I have always been someone who needs to see it out in front of me to make sense of the steps, necessary actions, and means to the end. If you are a visual learner or visual experiencer (don’t judge my *fun* word), :-) then try writing out all the things on your plate. From there, I tend to create a “pyramid of importance” as to what is most timely for the day, what is a weekly to do, and what items are big picture.


Visualizing your goals and the act of achieving your goals might be something that sounds a little out-of-pocket, but it works! In the age where manifestation is having a true moment on social media, with personal development, and being accepted in our societal norms - visualize yourself reaching your goals.

Give yourself the pep-talk that you would give your best friend, child, or partner! Be specific in your practices and your tactics - you might just surprise yourself!


I am a big believer that if you are the smartest person in the room, it is time to find a different room - something my father instilled in me at a young age.

I really try to always take inventory of my life and consider those I surround myself with. I truly believe that I can always learn something from every person I connect with - my family, my friends, my co-workers, my peers, those younger than I am, and especially those with much more life experience than I currently carry.

Collaborating can also mean finding new ways to get connected to those who might be able to offer you some additional support or inspiration. If you are someone who is open to life-coaching, counseling, or therapy, a new year is a perfect time to invest in yourself and seek a fresh perspective!


This isn’t a new idea, however, the first of the year is always a good reminder that simplification can transform your thought process. In the spirit of Marie Kondo, if it doesn’t bring you joy, get rid of it!

Her viral method, KonMari, is rooted in going space by space in your home and analyzing what brings you joy - getting rid of clutter along the way.

Her approach is excellent for implementing into your life and home, however, I mentally use this method. I categorize my priorities in my mind and take inventory of what takes up space in my head. Using this process generally leads to me self-reflecting and finding that I spend too much time thinking about some things, a perfect amount on others, and not nearly enough on certain tasks.

I take her method and make it fit my lifestyle and my needs - something I always try to consider. Don’t make the world fit into your life, make your life fit into the world.


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