Too Cool For School: Helping Your Kids Prep For V-Day

How to help your little cuties share some sweet surprises this year.

No matter what age your kiddos are, chances are that they will have a school celebration to spread some love to their classmates.

If you have elementary aged kids or younger, this holiday is one that requires quite a bit of parental involvement and guidance. If your little ones were anything like mine, picking out the perfect Valentine’s Day favors to pass out to their class was a big occasion. It is their time to express their interests, likes, favorite things, express their personality, and give some of their peers a reason to smile. With younger kiddos comes smaller class sizes which allows you to have a little more fun with the goodies they can share - due to being more cost effective, less school rules, and more of a reason to spoil the little ones who are thrilled to receive anything with sugar!

This year, try pairing the typical candy and sugar with a fun takeaway gift that they can use at home. If you are looking to buy products this year and not put in too much assembly, head to and shop around on stores that offer personalized bundles. Pick out 3-4 that meet the school guidelines and then let you child pick the one they like the most. From there, take your kiddo to the store and let them pick out their favorite munchies to accompany the other gifts!

If you are a DIY queen and prefer to add some additional flare, look into options you can put together. Personalized bins with gift tags, personalized “create your own” treasure chests, and designing your own stickers are excellent ways to make something your own. Have your child stick your stickers onto your favors, let them stuff and tie, and have them be a little Valentine’s Day fairy by your side!

No matter what age your kids are, always make sure that you are aware of the rules and regulations surrounding sharing candy, treats, and snacks! With so many different allergies and conditions that fill your kid’s classes, you want to make sure your money and time are enjoyed and appreciated - not banned from the classroom :-).

Shop some of my picks here:


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